Newsletter - Spring Term 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to pre-school! We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas period and that you are all feeling rested ready to start a new year. Our start to the year has been very busy as we have welcomed new children and their families to 3-2-5 Pre-School.

Christmas party!

A big thank you to all the parents and relatives that attended our Christmas party. It was great to see the children and their families have such a fun time together. Through the raffle we were able to raise £77 towards the pre-school. This is greatly appreciated and will help towards our developments of the garden resources. A reminder that if you have planted your seeds at home then we would love to see photographs of them on Tapestry.  

Manager Position

We would like to inform everyone that due to a recent change in circumstances Joe will now being staying at 3-2-5 Pre-School. We are very happy with this decision and we are looking forward to continuing our amazing journey together.

Inset Days

·       Friday 14th February 2020

·       Wednesday 22nd July 2020

Stay and Play

·       Week commencing Monday 10th February


Winter can be very a cold time of the month! Children love to be outside and will often choose to play outside even when it is very cold. Because of this can you please ensure that your children are dressed appropriately for the weather conditions. Depending on the weather this could be jumpers, warm coats, hats, scarves etc. Also, could we please ask that everything children bring to pre-school is named, thank you.

If we must shut because of adverse weather conditions, then we will attempt to make contact via facebook and email as soon as the decision has been made.

Stay and Play Week

We would like to invite parents into pre-school to come and play! Your children do many great things each day at pre-school whilst playing and although some are captured on their Tapestry, there is so much that isn’t. It would be great for you to come and spend time with your children having fun and seeing how wonderful our pre-school really is.

You will be able to attend any day of the week commencing Monday 10th February. The sessions will be open from 9:20 am – 11:00 am.

We look forward to seeing you have fun at pre-school!

325 Preschool